Sally Steeves

Sally is a Rossland local who started skiing by following her ski patrol parents around Red, learning their secret stashes and setting up the occasional bamboo line. She started competing in junior big mountain freeski competitions at age 11. In her first competition, the head judge said that she would be “a threat to the future of freeskiing” and she took that to heart, winning 16 competitions over the next 6 years.
Her biggest highlights include winning the North American Freeksi Championships twice at Snowbird and Crystal Mountain. Sally was in the Red Freeski Academy her entire highschool career, growing from a young straggler to a team leader by her final year. After high school, she moved to Calgary to pursue an electrical engineering degree and took a hiatus from competitive skiing. During that time she helped coach the Red Freeski Team when they competed at Lake Louise. She also has had the joy of coaching (and being coached by) her little brother, who is one of the most passionate and determined skiers she knows.
Now that she is graduated and working as an engineer for BC Hydro, Sally is trying to embrace being a weekend warrior and has competed in (and won) her first two competitions in over 6 years.
Jay Maloney
Ashley Voykin

For Starters...

Where do you live? -Rossland!

Where do you ski? -Red Resort

What do you ski? -Instinct Transcend 176

First Ski Memory? -Skiing from the Hole in the Wall (the old ski patrol shack - next to the maintenance shop) down to Silverlode with my parents and best pal, Wylie.

Favourite thing about skiing?  -All of it - the snow, the sun, the people, the quiet.


Tacos or Sushi? -Sushi

Burgers or Burritos? -Burritos

Kale or Cabbage? -Kale

Whiskey or Wine? -Wine

Beer or (Kom)Bucha? -Beer

Beatles or Stones? -Beatles

Jay-Z or Beyonce? -Ahhh… this is like choosing a favourite parent, I don’t think I can!

Taylor Swift or Adele? -Adele

Skins or Sleds? -Skins for the wins.

Big Air or Big Hair? -Both. Always both.

Carve or Slash? -Carve.

Style or Speed? -Speed, but with style 😉

Toque or Beanie? -Toque, we’re North of the border, after all!

Ashley Voykin